Are you experiencing more low back pain than usual?

Use this check list to see if you fit any of these categories:
  • Sit for work 6+ hours per day
  • Work on the computer
  • Less activity due to Covid-19 safety practices
  • Can’t find time to exercise
  • Need accountability to prioritize your self and overall wellness

If you checked any or all of these boxes, please reach out to us and set up a FREE Introductory session where we can show you how one 30 minute strength session per week can change your life!

It is important to remember that in our adult years, our discs between each vertebrae get their nutrients from moving.  The more we are stagnant, the less nutrients our spine is receiving.  This can cause acute low back issues as well as flare up chronic pain more than usual.  In relation to chronic low back pain, it is important to note that as we age, we all experience disc degeneration.  This is accelerated when the disc is not receiving the proper nutrients.  To slow this process it is important to properly keep the spine mobile.

At Titanium Performance we utilize the MedX CLS (core lumbar spine) machine to ensure safe and effective spinal articulation.  This in conjunction with our full body strength training routines will help alleviate the pain you are experiencing.  Give the ibuprofen a break and check us out, we guarantee we can help!